Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being sick really bites

Yes, I hate being sick...and it seems like the last 6 months I have spent more time sick then not. Thankfully, my massive headache/stomach bug is finally dying down after 3 days. As you can already tell, I haven't written anything in the last few days. I've been far too preoccupied with sleeping off my illness.

I am glad I will be returning to work tomorrow, as the time I have spent awake has made me bored out of my mind. Alas, now comes the quandary of finding something I can eat that won't upset my stomach again. Until next time my friends...

Monday, February 22, 2010

3 months...

Wow, I can't believe its been 3 months since I've made any updates. After I went back to work, I didn't get anywhere near as much done on the novel as I had hoped. My final word count on the last day of November was 25,073. So I have half a novel tucked away on my external hard drive.

Over the last week or so I have been striving to make sure I write about 3 pages per day. Most of this is done at work during lunch or my 2 15-minute breaks. I have also tried something different the last couple of days...Musical Brainstorming.

I've thrown my iTunes on shuffle and closed my eyes to "picture" different scenes. It actually has worked really well. My boyfriend (who is very good at reading people) could not figure out why my mind was in chaos this past weekend as I did

Oh, and before I forget, for all those mom's out there, check out my big sister's blog on her daily Home Daycare adventures: