Thursday, May 26, 2011

No longer on hiatus

I'm appalled at myself that it’s been over a year since I wrote on this blog. I have to say, I have missed it terribly. Since so much has happened in the last year, let me give you the condensed version:
For starters, back in December my sister had her third son, so I am the proud of auntie of three wonderful nephews now. Next up, I got engaged in January and will be getting married this October. We'll be having a Star Wars themed wedding and I cannot wait! It's going to be epic awesomeness!

On that note, all eyes (or at least my mom’s side) are on me to bring a little girl into this family; which won’t happen until well after the wedding and a significant weight loss (think at least 50 pounds).

I recently stepped back on a scale after several months of being unaccountable. I was at 297 when I stopped weight watchers last time (down from 314), but when I saw that I am back to 308 it was a wakeup call.

For those that aren’t already aware, I have a genetic pre-disposition to DVT’s (or blood clots) called Factor V Leiden. I found this out at age 20 when I developed a blood clot behind my left knee. I got a 2nd blood clot in the exact same area at age 25 (after being laid out on the sofa with pneumonia for 2 weeks).

That was 3 years ago, and since then I have been on blood thinner (and will be for the rest of my life most likely). This means I have to be careful when flying, going into the mountains or if I have children (higher hormone levels increase the risk…that’s why it’s on birth control warnings).

That being said, losing weight (even just 5-10%) will be a huge help. Hopefully, it will also allow me to get out and walk more without hurting as much (nerve damage/chronic pain from the first clot). I used to walk several miles in a day, but now walking even 1 mile makes my leg swell and hurt for a few days afterwards. That means I will be making use of our apartment complex’s pool this summer.

So if you like, pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and join me as I write not just about fictional characters, but also about my weight-loss journey.

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