Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Disappointed in Myself

After all that walking and exercise that I'm not used to this past weekend, I ended up gaining 2 pounds. Our scale has me at 310lbs. That's 4 pounds less than my absolute heaviest last autumn. To say I am vastly disappointed in myself is an understatement. Below is a picture of me this past Sunday.

On the other side of the coin, I did make myself walk for 30 minutes at lunchtime today, even though every step hurt. As promised, below you’ll find some photos from our trip to the mountains. These were all taken at The Flume Gorge near Franconia, NH.

One of my favorite waterfall shots from this weekend. Considering I have a 5+ year old camera (that's maybe 5-6 megapixels), I'd say it came out awesome!

And of course, I had to add the obligatory shot of the mountains! Hope you're all having a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Back from the Mountains

We got back fairly early this morning (around 9:30-10ish) and have been trying to cool off ever since. It is really hot and humid here today (around 80°F or 26°C). I decided to forgo the weigh-in until the swelling in my leg goes down.

We visited the Lost River Gorge on Saturday and the Flume Gorge yesterday (which is 2+ miles). Both were about an hour's drive from the cabin we rented in the Weirs Beach/Laconia area. At one point we considered checking out Canterbury Shaker Village...until we got there and realized they didn't open for another hour.

All in all this weekend went well, even if my leg does hurt like hell. It was worth it because I got some great pictures. I plan on posting a few of them with tomorrow's post. As for now, its getting late and I'm exhausted!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Weekend in the Mountains

Alright, I can do this. 3 days up in the White Mountains without a computer means 3 days of not being able to use the food journal on WeightWatchers.com. Monday is my weigh-in, so I have to be at least semi-good this weekend.

I bought watermelon and grapes to take with us, and already had apples in the fridge. I also bought Fiber One pancake mix (more fiber, less sugar). I’ll let you all know how it tastes when I get back. Since the cabin we rented also has a grill, I got some 90/10 hamburgers (leanest they had) and some Baked Lays.

I heard that it’s supposed to be really nice this weekend, so I’m going to drag Rick out to walk around with me when I take pictures. I will be back at some point on Monday and will post the best of my photos from the weekend.

I will also make sure to let you all know how I did with my weigh-in. Since I’ve gone for 30-minute walks at lunch the last 2 days (and will be walking more this weekend), it might be off a bit thanks to my leg swelling.

Hope you all have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No longer on hiatus

I'm appalled at myself that it’s been over a year since I wrote on this blog. I have to say, I have missed it terribly. Since so much has happened in the last year, let me give you the condensed version:
For starters, back in December my sister had her third son, so I am the proud of auntie of three wonderful nephews now. Next up, I got engaged in January and will be getting married this October. We'll be having a Star Wars themed wedding and I cannot wait! It's going to be epic awesomeness!

On that note, all eyes (or at least my mom’s side) are on me to bring a little girl into this family; which won’t happen until well after the wedding and a significant weight loss (think at least 50 pounds).

I recently stepped back on a scale after several months of being unaccountable. I was at 297 when I stopped weight watchers last time (down from 314), but when I saw that I am back to 308 it was a wakeup call.

For those that aren’t already aware, I have a genetic pre-disposition to DVT’s (or blood clots) called Factor V Leiden. I found this out at age 20 when I developed a blood clot behind my left knee. I got a 2nd blood clot in the exact same area at age 25 (after being laid out on the sofa with pneumonia for 2 weeks).

That was 3 years ago, and since then I have been on blood thinner (and will be for the rest of my life most likely). This means I have to be careful when flying, going into the mountains or if I have children (higher hormone levels increase the risk…that’s why it’s on birth control warnings).

That being said, losing weight (even just 5-10%) will be a huge help. Hopefully, it will also allow me to get out and walk more without hurting as much (nerve damage/chronic pain from the first clot). I used to walk several miles in a day, but now walking even 1 mile makes my leg swell and hurt for a few days afterwards. That means I will be making use of our apartment complex’s pool this summer.

So if you like, pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and join me as I write not just about fictional characters, but also about my weight-loss journey.